7  Embeddings

7.1 Requirements

You’ll need 13 packages (bestNormalize, dimRed, embed, fastICA, igraph, mixOmics, modeldatatoo, patchwork, RANN, RSpectra, tidymodels, uwot, viridis) for this chapter. The mixOmics is a Bioconductor package and is not on CRAN. For the others, we can install them as usual but we’ll get mixOmics from GitHub:

req_pkg <- c("bestNormalize", "dimRed", "embed", "fastICA", "igraph", 
             "mixOmics", "modeldatatoo", "patchwork", "RANN", "RSpectra", 
             "tidymodels", "uwot", "viridis")

# Check to see if they are installed: 
pkg_installed <- vapply(req_pkg, rlang::is_installed, logical(1))

# Install missing packages: 
if ( any(!pkg_installed) ) {
  install_list <- names(pkg_installed)[!pkg_installed]
  # mixOmics is not on CRAN
  cran_install_list <- install_list[install_list != "mixOmics"]
  if ( length(cran_install_list) > 0 ) {
  # Get mixOmics from github
  if ( "mixOmics" %in% install_list ) {

Let’s load the meta package and manage some between-package function conflicts.

7.2 Example: Predicting Barley Amounts

The data are in the modeldatatoo package. Let’s load the data, remove two outcome columns that will not be analyzed here, and conduct a three-way split of the data:


The column names for the predictors are wvlgth_001 through wvlgth_550.

The primary recipe used for almost all of the embedding methods is:

library(bestNormalize) # for ORD transformation

barley_rec <-
  recipe(barley ~ ., data = barley_train) %>%
  step_orderNorm(all_numeric_predictors()) %>%
  # Pre-compute to save time later

#> ── Recipe ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> ── Inputs
#> Number of variables by role
#> outcome:     1
#> predictor: 550
#> ── Training information
#> Training data contained 4839 data points and no incomplete rows.
#> ── Operations
#> • orderNorm transformation on: wvlgth_001, wvlgth_002, wvlgth_003, ... | Trained

If you use a recipe, most of the embedding methods can be computed with a common interface. The recipe step functions are mostly in the recipes package, although some live in “side packages,” such as the embed package. We’ll be clear about which package is needed for each.

7.3 Linear Transformations

We’ll look at the three linear methods described in the text.

7.3.1 Principal Component Analysis

Unsurprisingly, the recipe step needed here is called step_pca(). We’ll add an id argument to more easily reference the step of interest.

barley_pca_rec <-
  barley_rec %>%
  step_pca(all_numeric_predictors(), num_comp = 2, id = "pca") %>% 

#> ── Recipe ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> ── Inputs
#> Number of variables by role
#> outcome:     1
#> predictor: 550
#> ── Training information
#> Training data contained 4839 data points and no incomplete rows.
#> ── Operations
#> • orderNorm transformation on: wvlgth_001, wvlgth_002, wvlgth_003, ... | Trained
#> • PCA extraction with: wvlgth_001, wvlgth_002, wvlgth_003, ... | Trained

To further investigate the results, the tidy() method can extract elements of the computations. For example, you can return how variance each component captures using the argument type = "variance". Note that when the PCA recipe step was added, we used the option id = "pca". This is not required, but it makes it easier to specify what step the tidy() method should consider:

pca_scree <- tidy(barley_pca_rec, id = "pca", type = "variance")
#> # A tibble: 2,200 × 4
#>   terms       value component id   
#>   <chr>       <dbl>     <int> <chr>
#> 1 variance 507.5            1 pca  
#> 2 variance  35.84           2 pca  
#> 3 variance   3.395          3 pca  
#> 4 variance   1.511          4 pca  
#> 5 variance   0.6940         5 pca  
#> 6 variance   0.4265         6 pca  
#> # ℹ 2,194 more rows

pca_scree %>% count(terms)
#> # A tibble: 4 × 2
#>   terms                           n
#>   <chr>                       <int>
#> 1 cumulative percent variance   550
#> 2 cumulative variance           550
#> 3 percent variance              550
#> 4 variance                      550

Note that there are 550 entries for each since there are 550 predictor columns.

The default option for the tidy() method with PCA is to return the estimated loadings. This can help untangle which predictors influence the PCA components the most (or least).

pca_loadings <- tidy(barley_pca_rec, id = "pca")
#> # A tibble: 302,500 × 4
#>   terms         value component id   
#>   <chr>         <dbl> <chr>     <chr>
#> 1 wvlgth_001 -0.01696 PC1       pca  
#> 2 wvlgth_002 -0.01704 PC1       pca  
#> 3 wvlgth_003 -0.01713 PC1       pca  
#> 4 wvlgth_004 -0.01723 PC1       pca  
#> 5 wvlgth_005 -0.01734 PC1       pca  
#> 6 wvlgth_006 -0.01748 PC1       pca  
#> # ℹ 302,494 more rows

There are 550^2 = 302500 possible loadings.

To get the component values for new data, such as the validation set, the bake() method can be used. Using new_data = NULL returns the training set points:

barley_pca_rec %>% 
  bake(new_data = NULL, starts_with("PC"))
#> # A tibble: 4,839 × 2
#>       PC1   PC2
#>     <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1  2.546  6.650
#> 2  0.1477 6.821
#> 3 -3.638  5.551
#> 4 -5.344  5.264
#> 5 -5.064  4.263
#> 6  8.857  8.426
#> # ℹ 4,833 more rows

Since we used num_comp = 2, two new features were generated.

We can also pass new data in, such as the validation set:

pca_score_plot <- 
  barley_pca_rec %>% 
  bake(new_data = barley_val) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(PC1, PC2, col = barley)) + 
  geom_point(alpha = 1 / 4) + 
  scale_color_viridis(option = "viridis")


Note the difference in the axis ranges. If we are considering how much the PCA components explain the original predictors (i.e., not the outcome), it can be very helpful to keep the axis scales common:

pca_score_plot + coord_obs_pred()

This helps avoid over-interpreting proportionally small patterns in the later components.

The functions embed::step_pca_sparse() and embed::step_pca_sparse_bayes() have sparse/regularized estimation methods for PCA. Each has an argument called predictor_prop() that attempts to control how much sparsity should be used. predictor_prop = 0 should approximate regular PCA, and values near 1.0 would produce very few non-zero loadings.

7.3.2 Independent Component Analysis

An ICA recipe step can also be found in the recipes package. The syntax is virtually identical:

barley_ica_rec <-
  recipe(barley ~ ., data = barley_train) %>% 
  step_ica(all_numeric_predictors(), num_comp = 2, id = "ica") %>% 

Similarly, the tidy() method returns the ICA loadings:

tidy(barley_ica_rec, id = "ica")
#> # A tibble: 1,100 × 4
#>   terms      component    value id   
#>   <chr>      <chr>        <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 wvlgth_001 IC1       -0.02197 ica  
#> 2 wvlgth_001 IC2        0.9340  ica  
#> 3 wvlgth_002 IC1       -0.02196 ica  
#> 4 wvlgth_002 IC2        0.9307  ica  
#> 5 wvlgth_003 IC1       -0.02196 ica  
#> 6 wvlgth_003 IC2        0.9270  ica  
#> # ℹ 1,094 more rows

Most other dimension reduction techniques (but not PCA and PLS) depend on random numbers. We’ll set them when needed, but it is worth pointing out that you will likely get different results each time you run them.

For example, when two ICA components are used, the results are not the same but close when using a different random number seed.

ica_redo <- 
  recipe(barley ~ ., data = barley_train) %>% 
  step_ica(all_numeric_predictors(), num_comp = 2, id = "ica") %>% 

ica_redo %>% tidy(id = "ica")
#> # A tibble: 1,100 × 4
#>   terms      component    value id   
#>   <chr>      <chr>        <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 wvlgth_001 IC1        0.9341  ica  
#> 2 wvlgth_001 IC2       -0.01989 ica  
#> 3 wvlgth_002 IC1        0.9307  ica  
#> 4 wvlgth_002 IC2       -0.01989 ica  
#> 5 wvlgth_003 IC1        0.9270  ica  
#> 6 wvlgth_003 IC2       -0.01990 ica  
#> # ℹ 1,094 more rows

The individual loading values are different between runs, and components one and two are swapped between invocations with different seeds:

ica_1 <- 
  barley_ica_rec %>% 
  bake(new_data = barley_val) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(IC1, IC2, col = barley)) + 
  geom_point(alpha = 1 / 4, show.legend = FALSE) + 
  scale_color_viridis(option = "viridis") +
  coord_obs_pred() +
  labs(title = "seed = 538")

ica_2 <- 
  ica_redo %>% 
  bake(new_data = barley_val) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(IC1, IC2, col = barley)) + 
  geom_point(alpha = 1 / 4) + 
  scale_color_viridis(option = "viridis") +
  coord_obs_pred() +
  labs(title = "seed = 955")

ica_1 + ica_2

This might not cause a difference in performance when the features are used in a predictive model, but if the model uses slopes and intercepts, the parameter estimates will be different each time it is run.

7.3.3 Partial Least Squares {#numeric-pls}

The syntax for PLS is also very similar. However, it is a supervised method, so we need to specify the column containing the outcome (the outcome column is not needed after model training). The code below uses dplyr::vars() to declare the column name, but a simple character string can also be used.

barley_pls_rec <-
  barley_rec %>%
  step_pls(all_numeric_predictors(), outcome = vars(barley), num_comp = 2,
           id = "pls") %>% 

# Loadings: 
tidy(barley_pls_rec, id = "pls")
#> # A tibble: 1,100 × 4
#>   terms         value component id   
#>   <chr>         <dbl> <chr>     <chr>
#> 1 wvlgth_001 -0.05632 PLS1      pls  
#> 2 wvlgth_001 -0.1572  PLS2      pls  
#> 3 wvlgth_002 -0.05637 PLS1      pls  
#> 4 wvlgth_002 -0.1571  PLS2      pls  
#> 5 wvlgth_003 -0.05642 PLS1      pls  
#> 6 wvlgth_003 -0.1570  PLS2      pls  
#> # ℹ 1,094 more rows

7.4 Multidimensional Scaling

tidymodels contains recipe steps for Isomap and UMAP. The latter is accessible via the embed package.

7.4.1 Isomap

Again, the syntax is very similar to the previous unsupervised methods. The main two tuning parameters are num_terms and neighbors. We should also set the seed before execution.

barley_isomap_rec <-
  barley_rec %>%
  step_isomap(all_numeric_predictors(), neighbors = 10, num_terms = 2) %>% 

We can project this preprocessing model onto new data:

barley_isomap_rec %>% 
  bake(new_data = barley_val) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(Isomap1, Isomap2, col = barley)) + 
  geom_point(alpha = 1 / 4) + 
  scale_color_viridis(option = "viridis") +

7.4.2 UMAP

step_umap(), in the embed package, has a number of tuning parameters: neighbors, num_comp, min_dist, learn_rate, epochs, initial (initialization method, e.g. “pca”), and the optional target_weight.

For an unsupervised embedding:

barley_umap_rec <-
  barley_rec %>%
  step_umap(all_numeric_predictors(), neighbors = 10, num_comp = 2) %>% 

Projection on new data has the same syntax:

barley_umap_rec %>% 
  bake(new_data = barley_val) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(UMAP1, UMAP2, col = barley)) + 
  geom_point(alpha = 1 / 4) + 
  scale_color_viridis(option = "viridis") +

For a supervised embedding, the target_weight argument is used. A value of zero is unsupervised, and values near 1.0 are completely supervised. As with PLS, the argument for the outcome column is called outcome and can be a string of an unquoted name wrapped in vars().

7.5 Centroid-Based Methods

There are two steps in recipes for this:

These steps are for classification data, so we’ll use some example data from the modeldata package:

two_class_dat %>% 
  ggplot(aes(A, B, col = Class)) + 
  geom_point(alpha = 1 / 2) +

Here’s an example of creating a recipe with the basic class distance computations:

centroid_rec <-
  recipe(Class ~ ., data = two_class_dat) %>%
  step_classdist(all_numeric_predictors(), class = "Class") %>% 

The outcome argument is called "class" and takes a string value for the column name.

The processed data has a default naming convention of "classdist_{class level}" and you get one column per class:

bake(centroid_rec, new_data = NULL)
#> # A tibble: 791 × 5
#>       A     B Class  classdist_Class1 classdist_Class2
#>   <dbl> <dbl> <fct>             <dbl>            <dbl>
#> 1 2.070 1.632 Class1         -0.05795          -0.5526
#> 2 2.016 1.037 Class1         -1.026             1.647 
#> 3 1.689 1.367 Class2         -0.8454            0.2437
#> 4 3.435 1.980 Class2          1.367             1.678 
#> 5 2.885 1.976 Class1          0.9208            0.3913
#> 6 3.314 2.406 Class2          1.708             0.4739
#> # ℹ 785 more rows

The shrunken version of this step has an additional argument that is the fraction of the complete solutions. The argument name is threshold:

centroid_shrunk_rec <-
  recipe(Class ~ ., data = two_class_dat) %>%
  step_classdist_shrunken(all_numeric_predictors(), threshold = 1 / 6, class = "Class") %>% 